On February 8, 2023, the Washington Post published a story by Will Hobson entitled, “How the NFL avoids paying disabled players – with the union’s help,” which quoted our firm’s founder, Mark DeBofsky. The story described recent litigation against the National Football League’s disability benefit plan which has raised concerns about whether the plan fairly administers disability benefit claims brought by active and former players. Referring to one case in particular brought by former NFL running back, Michael Cloud, that resulted in a judgment against the plan, DeBofsky characterized the allegations made by Cloud as “really egregious conduct,” and added,

“What was uncovered in this case was just eye-popping.” Although the NFL’s disability plan was the subject of a Congressional investigation several years ago, DeBofsky further suggested, “It’s probably time for Congress to get involved again.”

Check out the article to learn more about this issue. Please note that the Washington Post article is behind a paywall and requires a subscription to access. If you’re a subscriber, you can read the full article here.

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