Why is the term “Arbitrary and Capricious” So Important in Relation to Disability, Life, Accidental Death, and Medical Benefits from an Employer-Sponsored Benefit Plan?

Individuals seeking disability, life, accidental death, or even health benefits under employer-sponsored group benefit plans governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) may have their claims thwarted due to what is known as either the “arbitrary and capricious” or “abuse of discretion” standard of judicial review. […]

Benefits Ruling Has ERISA Review Standard Red Flags

A recently issued decision from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit in McIntyre v. Reliance Standard Life Insurance Co., which was the second ruling on the same case, illustrates how difficult it can be for Employee Retirement Income Security Act governed disability benefit claimants to qualify for benefits when a court applies a deferential standard of judicial review. […]